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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermal hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-260
Report Title:Prediction and validation of pool fire development in enclosures by means of CFD (Poolfire) Report – Year 1
Activity Acronym:POOLFIRE
Authors:Patrick van Hees, Jonathan Wahlqvist, Simo Hostikka, Topi Sikanen, Bjarne Husted, Tommy Magnusson, Fredrik Jörud
Abstract:Fires in nuclear power plants can be an important hazard for the overall safety of the facility. One of the typical fire sources is a pool fire. It is therefore important to have good knowledge on the fire behaviour of pool fire and be able to predict the heat release rate by prediction of the mass loss rate. This project envisages developing a pyrolysis model to be used in CFD models. In the this first year report the literature review conducted within the project is reported as well as the first tasks in the evaluation and modelling of the new model.
Keywords:Fire, nuclear power plants, pool fires, modelling
Publication date:01 Febr 2012
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-332-4
Number of downloads:6347
Download:pdf NKS-260.pdf
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