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NKS Programme Area:
Research Area:Information
Report Number:NKS-251
Report Title:Nordic Nuclear Safety Research 1994 - 2008: From Standardized 4-Year Classics to Customized R&B
Activity Acronym:
Authors:Torkel N. O. Bennerstedt
Abstract:This is a presentation of NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research), its work and achievements in the years 1994 – 2008, during which the author served as Nordic secretary and (later) as coordinator. NKS and the Nordic perspective are briefly introduced together with the NKS support structure, organization and administration: Owners, Board, Nordic secretary, Bureau and Secretariat. The author then embarks on a journey through the modern history of NKS work. The last two of the six fixed 4-year programs are described as regards planning, contents, project work, administration, dis-semination of results, evaluations and conclusions. The trip continues to the land of R&B and the present (2011) structure of two general frame-works, namely, NKS-R: reactor safety, and NKS-B: emergency prepared-ness; each consisting of a set of flexible activities; hence, R&B. The reasoning behind this makeover is touched upon together with the new organization and simpler administration that developed. Major activities and the produced results are introduced and the evaluations summarized. The author’s own conclusions and recommendations are followed by a short and subjective list of references. In a number of appendices some important background material has been compiled: bullet point versions of minutes of Owners Group and Board meetings; economic contributions and budgets; the NKS policy document; an overview of all NKS programs and evaluations; lists of R&B activities and funding; the author’s personal remarks; a list of some NKS documents (other than technical reports and minutes); and a list of acronyms used in this report.
Publication date:01 Oct 2011
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-323-2
Number of downloads:1981
Download:pdf NKS-251.pdf
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