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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-250
Report Title:Preparedness Organisations at Nordic nuclear Power Plants
Activity Acronym:PONPP
Authors:Asgeir Drøivoldsmo, Jan Porsmyr, Espen Nystad
Abstract:The report presents an overview of Emergency Preparedness Organisations (EPO) in Sweden, Finland and Norway and presentations of insights from a study of the staff positions' work instructions in the command centre in an emergency situation. The results indicate potential for improvement in several areas. A number of the improvements are related to introduction of new technology and they should be seen in connection with ensuring safe and reliable communication lines and power supply. Analysis of the data identified four main categories where further studies could contribute to improvement: -Communication and exchange of information -Tools and technology -Staffing and organisation -Procedures The usefulness of the Man Technology and Organisation method in analysing the emergency management decision-making process within the authorities was considered as an interesting issue for continuation of the project. The interface between utility and authorities was pointed out as an important area for continuation.
Keywords:Emergency Preparedness, Man Technology Organisation, command centre, Nordic nuclear Power Plants
Publication date:01 Aug 2011
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-322-5
Number of downloads:2018
Download:pdf NKS-250.pdf
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