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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Waste and discharges
Report Number:NKS-222
Report Title:Radiochemical Analysis for Nuclear Waste Management in Decommissioning
Activity Acronym:RadWaste
Authors:Xiaolin Hou (ed.)
Abstract:The NKS-B RadWaste project was launched from June 2009. The on-going decommisioning activities in Nordic coutries and current requirements and problems on the radiochemical analysis of decommissioning waste were discussed and overviewed. The radiochemical analytical methods used for determination of various radionculides in nuclear waste are reviewed, a book was written by the project partners Jukka Lehto and Xiaolin Hou on the chemistry and analysis of radionuclide to be published in 2010. A summary of the methods developed in Nordic laboratories is described in this report. The progresses on the development and optimization of analytical method in the Nordic labs under this project are presented.
Keywords:Radioanalysis; radionculides; decommissioning; radioactive waste
Publication date:01 Jul 2010
ISBN:ISBN 978-87-7893-292-1
Number of downloads:2426
Download:pdf NKS-222.pdf
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