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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-218
Report Title:Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry for Radioecology and Waste Management: Report, evaluation, abstracts and full papers of presentations.
Activity Acronym:RadWorkshop
Authors:Xiaolin Hou
Abstract:A NKS-B workshop on radioanalytical chemistry for radioecology and waste management was hold at Risø, Roskilde, Denmark in 16-20th November 2009. The workshop was organized as 3 days lectures and presentations and two days laboratory practice. 48 peoples participited the workshop, including 32 young participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Lithuania and Ireland. This report gives a brief description of the workshop and an evaluation of the workshop by statistic analysis of questionnaires feed back from the participants. The book of abstracts and proceedings presented in the workshop is enclosed
Keywords:Workshop; Radioanalysis; radiometric techniques; radiochemical separation; environmental radioactivity
Publication date:01 Mar 2010
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-288-4
Number of downloads:3748
Download:pdf NKS-218.pdf
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