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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-212
Report Title:GammaSem Proceedings - A Nordic seminar for users of gamma spectrometry - Oslo 15-16 September 2009
Activity Acronym:GammaSem
Authors:Paula Nunez (ed.), Seppo Klemola, Sven P. Nielsen, Sigurður E. Pálsson, Carsten Israelson
Abstract:The project GammaSem was proposed to provide a forum for discussions and sharing of information on practical issues concerning gamma spectrometry and to establish a network of users of gamma spectrometry in the Nordic countries, thereby strengthening the collaboration and improving all participants’ competence in practical gamma spectrometry. The seminars’ focus was practical challenges met by the users themselves, rather than theoretical matters. Scientists and users of gamma spectrometry from all five Nordic countries were invited to the seminar, as well as scientist from the Baltic countries. A total of 75 people participated; representing 34 different universities, commercial companies, research institutes and also all Nordic authorities. During the seminar several key issues for follow-up were identified and working groups for addressing the identified problems were established. The working groups were: - Uncertainties and detections of limits - True summing coincidence - Monte Carlo simulations and efficiency transfer - Absorption (density corrections and geometries) - Mobile gamma spectrometry systems - Nuclear forensics (on special samples and special parts of the spectra) The identified topics will form the basis for the agenda of the next seminar in 2010. There, the different working groups will be invited to present their ideas/solutions to the relevant problems.
Keywords:Gamma spectrometry
Publication date:01 Mar 2010
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-281-5
Number of downloads:2821
Download:pdf NKS-212.pdf
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