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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Reactor physics
Report Number:NKS-211
Report Title:Comparison of VNEM to Measured Data from Ringhals Unit 3 IACIP, NKS-R-2008-61
Activity Acronym:IACIP
Authors:Makoto Tsuiki, Steven Mullet, William H. Beere
Abstract:Comparisons have been made of a LWR core simulator CYGNUS with VNEM neutronics module to the measured data obtained from Ringhals unit 3 NPP at the hot-operating condition at its beginning of cycle 1 (core average burnup = 0 through 500MWD/MT). The results can be summarized as: core eigenvalue = 0.99711 +/- 0.00067 Excellent agreement was obtained in the comparison of the neutron detector readings as observed in Phase 1 (2008). The computing (CPU) time was measured to be 7.5 min. / case, which is about 1/3 of the prototype VNEM code. This is because of the sophisticated coding of VNEM module in CYGNUS and the convergence acceleration effect of the feedbacks.
Keywords:CYGNUS; VNEM; Ringhals; unit 3; PWR; neutron detector; keff; IACIP: NKS_R_2008_61
Publication date:01 Jan 2010
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-280-8
Number of downloads:1868
Download:pdf NKS-211.pdf
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