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NKS Programme Area: | NKS-B | Research Area: | Measurement Strategy, technology and QA | Report Number: | NKS-189 | Report Title: | NKS-B FOREST Seminar, Helsinki, 7-8 October 2008. Proceedings. | Activity Acronym: | FOREST2 | Authors: | Virve Vetikko, Aino Rantavaara, Lasse Aro, Agneta H. Plamboeck, Elisabeth Strålberg (editors) | Abstract: | The seminar “Towards improved understanding of radionuclide transfer in forests and preparedness to handle contaminated forests” was carried out within the framework of the NKS-B Forest project in Helsinki, 7-8 October, 2008. The seminar was planned and arranged by four Nordic organisations and provided a forum for exchange of information for Nordic scientists currently working in the field of forest radioecology or using the data. Presentations of research on nutrient cycling and radionuclide distribution in boreal forests, discussion on the needs for future research and attendance of experts on forestry, forest research and radioecology offered a unique opportunity to disseminate and receive information. The seminar programme was composed of topics of radioecology and forest research, assessment of radionuclide contamination and management of contaminated forests. Also sampling in forests, monitoring and modelling of environmental impact of disposal of spent nuclear fuel, and recent radioecological studies on forests were handled. Future research was emphasised in discussions. Below is a short compilation of these discussions:
- Comprehensive planning of research projects contributing to a programme with long-term aims is possible in broadly-based multidisciplinary collaboration. Thereby independent initiatives and less coherent plans can be replaced.
- Clear definition of hypotheses, planning and improving the specific methods for sampling and laboratory analyses were found crucial.
- Effects of intensive biofuel harvesting on the nutrient and radionuclide flows in forests are major issues in the next decades.
- Gaps in knowledge, such as lack of data on processes contributing to radionuclide distributions in forests, and on certain long-lived radionuclides (those of Cl, Tc, Np, etc.) contributing to the environmental impact of final disposal of spent nuclear fuel.
Topical seminars like the one accomplished are welcome in the future; compiling acute issues of multidisciplinary nature for focussed expert review and discussion can be very rewarding in many ways. To support communication and future collaboration, an informal forest network was launched in the seminar. Information is available via e-mail ( | Keywords: | Caesium; element distribution; forest management; mineral nutrients; monitoring; modelling; mushrooms; nuclear waste; radionuclides; transuranium elements; wild berries | Publication date: | 01 Jun 2009 | ISBN: | ISBN: 978-87-7893-256-3 | Number of downloads: | 2159 | Download: | NKS-189.pdf |