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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecological assessments
Report Number:NKS-187
Report Title:Filling knowledge gaps in radiation protection methodologies for non-human biota - Final
Activity Acronym:GAPRAD
Authors:Justin Brown, Runhild Gjelsvik, Elis Holm, Per Roos, Ritva Saxén, Iisa Outola
Abstract:The activities of the GAPRAD project are summarised in this report. The background and rationale to GAPRAD are presented and explained. Most notably this relates to a lack of information on naturally occuring radionuclides in terrestrial and aquatic systems that have direct applicability for use in envrionmental impact assessments. Results from field activities are presented from the Dovrefjell area in Norway (terrestrial study) and selected lake and brackish water systems in Finland. The data mainly concern activity concterations of Po-210 in environmental media and selected biota allowing concentration ratios to be derived where appropriate. Furthermore, details in relation to Po-210 uptake and biokinetics in humans based on experimental work conducted within the project are presented.
Keywords:Po-210; environmental impact assessment; levels; transfer; concentration ratios; human biokinetics
Publication date:01 Mar 2009
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-254-9
Number of downloads:1926
Download:pdf NKS-187.pdf
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