RADDA - Comparison of results of three ATWS/ATWC scenarios simulated with the help of POLCA-T and S3K/RELAP5
Activity Acronym:
Jyrki Peltonen
The effects of ATWS and ATWC-events with control rods failing to enter the core has been evaluated in this project. To understand the uncertainties in using modern 3D-calulation methods two different codes were used in the project. The outputs from the two code packages were compared. Within the project the used code were first evaluated against a real event, pancake core at Forsmark 3. The results give important knowledge of the core responses for such events and on how to use different code to perform such calculations. The NKS report is only one minor part of the total project. The project was sponsored by TVO, Forsmark, OKG, Ringhals, SKI besides the NKS-funding. The results could be used for PSA-studies and for deterministically safety analysis.