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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Automation and control room
Report Number:NKS-149
Report Title:Management of Requirements in NPP Modernisation Projects. Project Report 2006
Activity Acronym:MORE
Authors:Atoosa P-J Thunem, Harald P-J Thunem, Janne Valkonen
Abstract:The purpose of the report is to document the work and related activities in the period January 1 – December 31 in 2006, including dissemination activities. The work in this period has been concentrated on further research for adopting an approach for dependable requirements engineering and its supporting tool. The majority of the efforts in 2006, however, was spent on making the researchers, developers, utilities and licensees more aware of the importance of the area of requirements engineering, and in that respect organising an international seminar on dependable requirements engineering. This seminar was defined as a deliverable in the Activity Plan for 2006 and be-came also the most important deliverable for 2006. Therefore, this report naturally features a detailed summary of the seminar, which proved to be a true success and at the same time a door opener for more initiatives within the topic, proposed by several participants. More efforts within dissemination of the background and objectives of the project MORE within the nuclear community and towards NPPs that do carry out modernisation projects continued to be one important focus.
Keywords:MORE; tracability of requirements; dependable requirements engineering; TRACE; International Seminar on Dependable Requirements Engineering (Summary)
Publication date:01 Febr 2007
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-212-9
Number of downloads:2523
Download:pdf NKS-149.pdf
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