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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-148
Report Title:Combined Effects Experiments with the Condensation Pool Test Facility
Activity Acronym:Delipool
Authors:Markku Puustinen
Abstract:This report summarizes the results of the condensation pool experiments in spring 2006, where steam and steam/air mixture was blown into the pool through a DN200 blowdown pipe. Altogether three experiments, each consisting of several blows, were carried out with a scaled down test facility designed and constructed at Lappeenranta University of Technology. The main purpose of the experiments was to study the effects of non-condensable gas present in the discharge flow. Particularly pressure pulses inside the blowdown pipe and at the pool bottom caused by chugging were of interest. The test pool was an open stainless steel tank with a wall thickness of 4 mm and a bottom thickness of 5 mm containing 15 m3 of water. The nearby PACTEL test facility was used as a steam source. During the experiments the initial pressure of the steam source was 0.5 MPa and the pool water bulk temperature ranged from 40 C to 70 C. The test facility was equipped with high frequency instrumentation for capturing different aspects of the investigated phenomena. The data acquisition program recorded data with the frequency of 10 kHz. A digital high-speed video camera was used for visual observation of the pool interior. Air, in quantities even less than 1 %, reduced the condensation rate considerably. The high pressure pulses registered inside the blowdown pipe due to water hammer propagation during chugging almost disappeared when the combined discharge period of steam and air started. With non-condensable gas fractions above 3 % the damping of pressure oscillations inside the blowdown pipe was practically complete. Air quantities in the vicinity of 2 % started to have an effect also on the oscillations measured by the pressure sensor at the pool bottom. Both the amplitude and frequency of the pressure pulses decreased considerably. The experiments demonstrated that even small quantities of non-condensable gas can have a strong diminishing effect on pressure oscillations and structural loads.
Keywords:Condensation pool; steam/air blowdown; non-condensable gas; pressure oscillations
Publication date:01 Jan 2007
ISBN:ISBN: 978-87-7893-211-2
Number of downloads:2723
Download:pdf NKS-148.pdf
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