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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-120
Report Title:Human metabolism of caesium
Activity Acronym:Cskinetik
Authors:Christopher L. Rääf, Rolf Falk*, Bente Lauridsen, Tua Rahola, Lindis Skuterud§, Jens Soogard-Hansen
Abstract:A study of the human biokinetics of caesium in two forms, i) incorporated in foodstuff (137Cs in perch and mushrooms) and ii) in ionic state (134Cs in aqueous solution) has been carried out at the department of Radiation Physics in Malmö, starting in 2001. The result of the pilot study were published in 2004, and a continuation of that study has now been carried out by means of NKS funding (NKS-B Cskinetik). The aim is to, i) investigate whether Scandinavian populations exhibit shorter biological half-time of radiocaesium than other populations; ii) extend the biokinetic study to additional human subjects from the other Nordic countries. Results from the continued study further indicate a near complete absorption of radiocaesium in the gastro-intestinal tract, be it in ion state or contained in food matrix. So far, the literature survey of Nordic studies on biokinetics of Cs suggests that the biological half time is somewhat shorter among Scandinavian males (84 days vs. ICRP-value of 110 days), although females do not exhibit any significant difference (64 days vs. ICRP value of 65 days).
Keywords:Human; Cs; biokinetic; Nordic; biological half-time;
Publication date:01 Apr 2006
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-181-9
Number of downloads:2171
Download:pdf NKS-120.pdf
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