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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-113
Report Title:Countermeasures and Barriers
Activity Acronym:
Authors:Johannes Petersen
Abstract:In 1973 Haddon proposed ten strategies for reducing and avoiding damages based on a model of potential harmful energy transfer (Haddon, 1973). The strategies apply to a large variety of unwanted phenomena. Haddon’s pioneering work on countermeasures has had a major influence on later thinking about safety. Considering its impact it is remarkable that the literature offers almost no discussions related to the theoretical foundations of Haddon’s countermeasure strategies. The present report addresses a number of theoretical issues related to Haddon’s countermeasure strategies, which are: • A reformulation and formalization of Haddon’s countermeasure strategies • An identification and description of some of the problems associated with the term “barrier” • Suggestions for a more precise terminology based on the causal structure of countermeasures • Extending the scope of countermeasures to include sign-based countermeasures
Keywords:Countermeasures; barriers; Haddon's strategy; theoretical foundation
Publication date:01 Oct 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-174-6
Number of downloads:2518
Download:pdf NKS-113.pdf
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