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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-109
Report Title:Area Specific Stripping of lower energy windows for AGS and CGS NaI systems
Activity Acronym:ASSb
Authors:Uffe Korsbech, Helle Karina Aage, Kim Bargholz, Svein Thorshaug, Sören Byström, Mats Wedmark
Abstract:The report describes the results from a NKS (Nordic Nuclear Safety Research) project aiming at examining the possibilities for extracting stripping factors for Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry (AGS) data and Carborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry (CGS) data directly from the recorded set of data, i.e. without having to calibrate the detector ystems on beforehand. The project – NKS project ASSb - has been carried out between 1 August 2004 and 31 March 2005 by a research group composed of persons from Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA). The AGS and CGS data sets used for the project were recorded by SGU, DEMA, NGU (Geological Survey of Norway), and SSI (Swedish Radiation Protection Institute). Most of the project effort has been directed towards analysing AGS and CGS data with point source signals recorded at the Barents Rescue 2001 LIVEX exercise at Boden in Sweden. Possibilities and limitations for the method have been identified.
Keywords:Stripping; Gamma Spectra; AGS; CGS; Area Specific; Source Search; Radiation Anomaly; Barents Rescue; LIVEX
Publication date:01 May 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-168-1
Number of downloads:3444
Download:pdf NKS-109.pdf
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