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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-107
Report Title:Final Report of the 'Nordic Thermal-Hydraulic and Safety Network (NOTNET)' - Project.
Activity Acronym:NOTNET
Authors:Jari Tuunanen, Minna Tuomainen
Abstract:A Nordic network for thermal-hydraulics and nuclear safety research was started. The idea of the network is to combine the resources of different research teams in order to carry out more ambitious and extensive research programs than would be possible for the individual teams. From the very beginning, the end users of the research results jave been integrated to the network. The aim of the network is to benefit the partners involved in nuclear energy in the Nordic countries (power companies, reactor vendors, safety regulators, and research units.
Keywords:Thermal-hydraulics; nuclear safety; Nordic network; NOTNET
Publication date:01 Apr 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-166-5
Number of downloads:2531
Download:pdf NKS-107.pdf
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