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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Thermo hydraulics
Report Number:NKS-104
Report Title:Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Water Pool under Loading Caused by a Condensation-Induced Water Hammer.
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Authors:Timo Pättikangas, Antti Timperi, Jarto Niemo & Timo Narumo
Abstract:A coupled fluid-structure interaction calculation was performed with Star-CD and ABAQUS, which were coupled with the ES-FSI code. The motion of the wall of a test pool during a rapid bubble collapse was solved and taken into account during the CFD calculation. A fluid-structure interaction analysis was also conducted, in which the stationary state of the pool due to a gravity load was calculated. In addition, methods for estimating pressure loads in a water pool during steam injection were investigated. The Method of Images (MOI) for calculating the pressure loads during a steam bubble collapse was implemented and tested for the POOLEX experiment. The first version of the homogeneous two-phase model was implemented for the Star-CD CFD code and tested in the quasi-stationary situation, where the steam that was blown down into a water pool was condensing inside the vertical blowdown pipe.
Keywords:CFD; FE; FSI; condensation water hammer; pressure load
Publication date:01 Apr 2005
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-163-0
Number of downloads:1982
Download:pdf NKS-104.pdf
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