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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-93
Report Title:Risk Informed Decision Making - a Pre-Study.
Activity Acronym:
Authors:Kaisa Simola, Urho Pulkkinen
Abstract:Examples of risk-informed decisions are establishing maintenance programmes, optimising inspection policies and justifying plant modifications, and revising technical specifications. Applications in daily situations can be such as accepting or rejecting exemptions from technical specifications. The aim of this pre-study was to identify the status of risk-informed decision making at Swedish and Finnish nuclear power plants and nuclear safety authorities. Responses to a questionnaire were obtained either by interviews or by e-mail from two Swedish and two Finnish NPPs, SKI and STUK. The development of a risk-informed decision procedure based on decision analytic ideas is worth recommending. A clear documentation format is a part of such procedure. In order to serve as a basis for final decision, the documentation should include clearly defined decision criteria, qualification of PSA model for the issue under analysis, description of most important uncertainties and assumptions.
Keywords:Risk-informed decision making; RIDM; nuclear power plants; safety authorities; Finland; Sweden; questionnaire
Publication date:01 Apr 2004
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-151-7
Number of downloads:3078
Download:pdf NKS-93.pdf
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