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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Automation and control room
Report Number:NKS-87
Report Title:Barriers, Control and Management. Report from the pilot phase.
Activity Acronym:
Authors:Morten Lind
Abstract:The report documents the results of the pilot phase of the NKS project “Barriers, Control and Management” (NKS-R-07).The following conclusions can be drawn for the work done in the pilot phase: • A set of research issues and hypotheses to be developed in the main phase of the project has been defined. • The theoretical work has led to a clarification of the semantic distinctions between safety related actions, control actions and barriers. • The action concepts of Von Wright have been applied on a case study on the nuclear power plant in Forsmark, Sweden. It has been shown that it is possible to apply the concepts. But it is also concluded that extensions of the theory are required. Such extensions are important objectives for the main phase of the project.
Keywords:Formalized concepts; action; function; consistency; procedures; documents
Publication date:01 Sept 2003
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-145-2
Number of downloads:4287
Download:pdf NKS-87.pdf
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