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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-86
Report Title:ECCOMAGS: Initial results from the RESUME 2002 exercise
Activity Acronym:ECCOMAGS
Authors:Bent Lauritzen, Robert R. Finck, Simon Karlsson, David W. Sanderson, Alan Cresswell, Marian Scott
Abstract:In the RESUME 2002 exercise (Rapid Environmental Surveying Using Mobile Equipment) areas in SW Scotland were surveyed for anthropogenic and natural radioactivity with Airborne Gamma Spectrometry (AGS), Car-borne Gamma Spectrometry (CGS) and in-situ measurements. Results from the exercise are presented, including composite maps and data produced at the exercise, and initial results from the post-exercise data analysis. A format for processed data exchange developed for the exercise is presented. The final data analysis will include comparisons within airborne and between airborne and ground based measurements.
Keywords:Aerial Monitoring; Cesium 137; Data Analysis; Data Processing; Dose Rates; Gamma Spectroscopy; Radiation Monitoring
Publication date:01 Febr 2003
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-144-4
Number of downloads:2434
Download:pdf NKS-86.pdf
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