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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-77
Report Title:Combining Internet Technology and Mobile Phones for Emergency Response Management
Activity Acronym:BOK-1
Authors:Sigurður Emil Pálsson
Abstract:Report describing work carried out in the NKS/BOK-1.6 MINEP (Mobile Internet and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness) project. The report is intended for persons involved in radiological emergency response management. An introduction is given to the technical basis of the mobile Internet and ongoing development summarised. Examples are given describing how mobile Internet technology has been used to improve monitoring media coverage of incidents and events, and a test is described where web based information was selectively processed and made available to WAP enabled mobile phones. The report concludes with recommendations stressing the need for following mobile Internet developments and taking them into account when designing web applications for radiological response management. Doing so can make web based material accessible to mobile devices at minimal additional cost.
Publication date:01 Dec 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-133-9
Number of downloads:7276
Download:pdf NKS-77.pdf
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