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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-63
Report Title:Nuclear Emergency Preparedness. Final Report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research Project BOK-1
Activity Acronym:BOK-1
Authors:Bent Lauritzen
Abstract:Final report of the Nordic Nuclear Safety Research project BOK-1. The BOK-1 project, “Nuclear Emergency Preparedness”, was carried out in 1998-2001 with participants from the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions. The project consists of six sub-projects: Laboratory measurements and quality assurance (BOK-1.1); Mobile measurements and measurement strategies (BOK-1.2); Field measurements and data assimilation (BOK-1.3); Countermeasures in agriculture and forestry (BOK-1.4); Emergency monitoring in the Nordic and Baltic Sea countries (BOK-1.5); and Nuclear exercises (BOK-1.6). For each sub-project, the project outline, objectives and organization are described and main results presented.
Publication date:01 Febr 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-118-5
Number of downloads:3008
Download:pdf NKS-63.pdf
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