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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS-52
Report Title:Tools for forming strategies for remediation of forests and park areas in northern Europe after radioactive contamination: background and techniques
Activity Acronym:BOK-1
Authors:Aino Rantavaara, Jørn Roed, Lynn Hubbard, Kasper Andersson
Abstract:This report compiles background information that can be used in planning appropriate countermeasures for forest and park areas in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway, in case a nuclear accident results in large-scale contamination of forests. The information is formulated to inform the forestry sector and radiation protection experts about the practicality of both forest management techniques and mechanical cleanup methods, for use in their planning of specific strategies that can lead to an optimal use of contaminated forests. Decisions will depend on the site and the actual situation after radioactive deposition to forested areas, but the report provides background information from investigations performed before an accident occurs that will make the process more effective. The report also discusses the radiological consequences of producing energy from biomass contaminated by a major nuclear accident, both in the context of normal biofuel energy production and as a means of reducing potentially severe environmental problems in the forest by firing power plants with highly contaminated forest biomass.
Publication date:01 Jan 2002
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-105-3
Number of downloads:3243
Download:pdf NKS-52.pdf
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