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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:NKS-45
Report Title:Identification and communication of uncertainties of phenomenological models in PSA
Activity Acronym:SOS-2.1
Authors:Kaisa Simola, Urho Pulkkinen
Abstract:This report aims at presenting a view upon uncertainty analysis of phenomenological models with an emphasis on the identification and documentation of various types of uncertainties and assumptions in the modelling of the phenomena. In an uncertainty analysis, it is essential to include and document all unclear issues, in order to obtain a maximal coverage of unresolved issues. This holds independently on their nature or type of the issues. The classification of uncertainties is needed in the decomposition of the problem and it helps in the identification of means for uncertainty reduction. Further, an enhanced documentation serves to evaluate the applicability of the results to various risk-informed applications.
Publication date:01 Nov 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-098-7
Number of downloads:2071
Download:pdf NKS-45.pdf
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