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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis and probabilistic methods
Report Number:NKS-34
Report Title:NKS/SOS-1 Seminar on Safety analysis. Report from a seminar held on 22-23 March 2000. Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, DK
Activity Acronym:SOS-1
Authors: , Urho Pulkkinen, Kjell Andersson
Abstract:The report describes presentations and discussions at a seminar held at Risø on March 22-23, 2000. The title of the seminar was NKS/SOS-1 – Safety Analysis. It dealt with issues of relevance for the safety analysis for the entire nuclear safety field (notably reactors and nuclear waste repositories). Such issues were: objectives of safety analysis, risk criteria, decision analysis, expert judgement and risk communication. In addition, one talk dealt with criteria for chemical industries in Europe. The seminar clearly showed that the concept of risk is multi-dimensional, which makes clarity and transparency essential elements in risk communication, and that there are issues of common concern between different applications, such as how to deal with different kinds of uncertainty and expert judgement.
Publication date:01 May 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-085-5
Number of downloads:2354
Download:pdf NKS-34.pdf
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