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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Decommissioning
Report Number:NKS-32
Report Title:Experiences of Storage of Radioactive Waste Packages in the Nordic Countries
Activity Acronym:SOS-3
Authors: , Knud Brodersen, Steen Carugati, Esko Ruokola, Tore Ramsøy
Abstract:The present report includes results from a study on intermediate storage of radioactive waste packages in the Nordic countries. Principles for intermediate storage in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are presented. Recommendations are given regarding different intermediate storage options and also regarding control and supervision. The disposal of drums at Kjeller in Norway has also been included in the report. This is an example of an intended (and correctly licensed) disposal facility turned into what in practice has become a storage system.
Publication date:01 Apr 2001
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-083-9
Number of downloads:8369
Download:pdf NKS-32.pdf
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