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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents and Reactor Physics
Report Number:NKS-13
Report Title:Methods to Prevent the source Term of Methyl Iodide During a Core Melt Accident
Activity Acronym:SOS-2
Authors:Anna Karhu
Abstract:The purpose of this literature review is to gather available information of the methods to prevent a source term of methyl iodide during a core melt accident. The most widely studied methods for nuclear power plants include the impregnated carbon filters and alkaline additives and sprays . It is indicated that some deficiencies of these methods may emerge. More reactive impregnants and additives could make a great improvement . As a new method in the field of nuclear applications, the potential of transition metals to decompose methyl iodide, is introduced in this review . This area would require an additional research, which could elucidate the remaining questions of the reactions . The ionization of the gaseous methyl iodide by corona-discharge reactors is also shortly described.
Publication date:01 Nov 1999
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-063-4
Number of downloads:4929
Download:pdf NKS-13.pdf
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