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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKS-7
Report Title:Systematisk underhållsanalys med beslutsstöd. Metodik och verktyg för effektivisering av underhållsprogram
Activity Acronym:RAK-1
Authors:Kaisa Simola, Kari Laakso, Joan Dorrepaal, Pekka Skogberg
Abstract:This report describes an approach to evaluate the effectiveness of test and maintenance programs of technical systems used during several years. The method combines an analysis of the historical data on faults and repairs with an analysis of the history of periodic testing and preventive maintenance action programs. The application of the maintenance analysis from the methodological point of view in the reliability centered maintenance (RCM) project for Barseback nuclear power plant is described. In order to limit the analysis resources, a method for ranking of objects for maintenance analysis is needed. Preliminary suggestions for changes in maintenance action programs are based on signals from simple maintenance indicators and qualitative analysis of underlying data on failures and maintenance. To facilitate generation of maintenance indicators, and make the maintenance analysis more efficient, a powerful and suitable data treatment tool is needed for analysis of the work order history. In the final maintenance decisions, additional decision criteria must be taken into account, and thus a more formal decision analysis is often needed for decision support.
Publication date:01 Jan 1999
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-055-3
Number of downloads:3425
Download:pdf NKS-07.pdf
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