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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:RAK-1-97-R13
Report Title:Modernisation for Maintaining and Improving Safety at Nordic Nuclear Power Plants
Activity Acronym:RAK-1
Authors:Lennart Hammar, Björn Wahlström, Kaisa Simola
Abstract:The safety practices in Finland and Sweden are described and compared in regard of effecting modernisation for safety of the nuclear plants in the two countries, considering new technology and advancing safety requirements as proposed for new reactors. Particular attention is given to strategies for applying new safety requirements to reactors built to earlier standards, and to the interplay between the nuclear utilities and the safety authorities. Overviews are given of past and current modernisations of the nuclear power plants in Finland and Sweden. The management procedures in controlling the implementation of modifications to the nuclear power plants are described and discussed in regard of prevailing differences between Finnish and Swedish practices. A formal modelling technique (SADT) was applied for capture of the essential contents of the relevant documented procedures. Two examples of recent plant modifications in the Finnish nuclear plants in Olkiluoto and Loviisa are described and discussed in greater detail. Recommendations are given.
Publication date:01 Febr 1998
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-038-3
Number of downloads:2024
Download:pdf RAK-1-97-R13.pdf
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