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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Decommissioning
Report Number:NKS-97-FR3_AFA-1
Report Title:Safety in the Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste
Activity Acronym:AFA-1
Authors: , Knud Brodersen, Steinar Backe, Steen Carugati, Tord Walderhaug, Malgorzata Sneve, Sverre Hornkjøl, Torbjörn Carlsson, Pekka Viitanen, Irmeli Harmaajärvi, Seppo Vuori, Þóroddur Þóroddsson
Abstract:During 1994-1997 a project on disposal of radioactive waste was carried out as part of the NKS program. The objective of the project was to provide authorities and waste producers in the Nordic countries with background material for determinations about the management and disposal of radioactive waste. The project was called NKS/AFA-1. It was divided into three sub-projects: AFA-1.1, AFA-1.2 and AFA-1.3. AFA-1.1 dealt with waste characterisation, AFA-1.2 dealt with performance assessment for repositories and AFA-1.3 dealt with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The studies were mainly focused on the management of long-lived low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste from research, hospitals and industry. Representatives from all Nordic countries have participated in each of the subprojects. Most of the work has been performed in a broad circle. This has contributed to a better understanding of the waste situation in the different countries and has also made it possible to learn from each other. Furthermore, in some cases, it has contributed to common recommendations. Recommendations have e.g. been given regarding the characterisation of waste under treatment and the characterisation of existing and old waste packages. The waste characterisation study (AFA- 1.1) included also a survey of waste types, methods used for the measurement of activity content, methods used for the determination of chemical content- and an inventory of new available methods. The performance assessment study (AFA-1.2) covered performance assessment methodologies, interactions in the near-field of a repository and examples of performance assessment in the Nordic countries. A survey was also made of waste disposal systems in the Nordic countries. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study (AFA-1.3) included differences and similarities between the principles of handling the EIA in the Nordic countries. Examples were provided of nuclear-related EIA in Finland, Norway and Sweden. From Denmark and Iceland, examples outside this area were given.
Publication date:01 Dec 1997
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7893-023-5
Number of downloads:3125
Download:pdf NKS-97-FR3_AFA-1.pdf
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