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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Severe accidents and Reactor Physics
Report Number:NKS-96-RAK2-TR-A2
Report Title:Studies on melt-water-structure interaction during severe accidents
Activity Acronym:RAK-2
Authors:B.R. Sehgal, T.N. Dinh, T.J. Okkonen, V.A. Bui, R.R. Nourgaliev, J. Andersson
Abstract:Results of a series of studies, on melt-water-structure interactions which occur during the progression of a core melt-down accident, are described. The emphasis is on the in-vessel interactions and the studies are both experimental and analytical. Since, the studies performed resulted in papers published in proceedings of the technical meetings, and in journals, copies of a set of selected papers are attached to provide details. A summary of the results obtained is provided for the reader who does not, or cannot, venture into the perusal of the attached papers.
Publication date:01 Oct 1996
Number of downloads:4689
Download:pdf NKS-96-RAK2-TR-A2.pdf
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