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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:TemaNord 1995:507
Report Title:Intervention principles and levels in the event of a nuclear accident
Activity Acronym:BER-3
Authors:Ole Walmod-Larsen (edt.)
Abstract:In order to promote Nordic harmonization of the most likely protective measures to be taken in the case of large nuclear accidents, this report presents the background material needed to make common decisions on sheltering, evacuation and relocation. Brief comments only are also made on iodine prophylaxis and foodstuff restrictions. Viewing the national monetary costs per person for such measures in relation to the income per capita - and in relation to the currency exchange rates of Feb. 1994 - there are by and large no arguments to find for different intervention levels in any of the four countries, DK, NO, FI and SE. As applied a-values (the estimated monetary cost of a manSievert) are observed to have a large range, attempts were made to find the economic value of a health detriment. These pointed to the Willingness-To-Pay method, and a pilot project was performed in Denmark. On this basis a set of intervention levels - similar to internationally recommended levels - is proposed. Other factors influencing decisions in emergency situations are discussed. Risk perception, risk communication and psychological factors, as well as the modem decision-aiding tools capable of handling such factors are also described.
Publication date:01 Apr 1995
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-613-X
Number of downloads:2916
Download:pdf 005.PDF
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