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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:1995:544
Report Title:Dispersion prognoses and consequences in the environment - a Nordic development and harmonization effort
Activity Acronym:BER-1
Authors:Ulf Tveten
Abstract:The project "BER-1, Dispersion prognoses and environmental consequences" is described. The report describes the work performed and the results obtained. The bulk of the report is concerned with the first subject area, atmospheric dispersion models. The world-wide status of long-range atmospheric dispersion models at the start of the project period is described, descriptions are given of the models in use at the Nordic meteorological institutes, and validation/verification and intercomparison efforts that have been performed within the project are described. The second subject area, covering environmental impact, is described much more briefly. The main results of this work have been published separately. All aspects of environmental impact of releases to the atmosphere have been treated, and the end product of this part of the project is a computerized "handbook" giving easy access to data on e.g. deposition, shielding, filtering, weathering, radionuclide transfer via all possible exposure pathways.
Publication date:01 Dec 1994
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-663-6
Number of downloads:3034
Download:pdf 1006.pdf
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