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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Risk analysis
Report Number:TemaNord 1994:614
Report Title:Safety Evaluation by Living Probabilistic Safety Asssessment and Safety Indicators
Activity Acronym:SIK-1
Authors:Jan Holmberg, Kari Laakso (edt.), Esko Lehtinen, Gunnar Johanson
Abstract:A continuous monitoring and follow-up of the risks involved in the operation of a nuclear power plant is an important part of the operational safety management. In living probabilistic safety assessment (PSA), the plant specific PSA is applied in daily safety work to support solving of short-term problems, and maintaining as well as enhancing safety in the long term. A quicker and more problem oriented feedback of operating experience can be achieved by well defined safety indicators, highlighting important trends and possible recurrence of operational problems at the plant. Living PSA and safety indicators should be used in combination to effectively support decision making on safety related issues. The Nordic NKS/SIK-1 project also showed how a more systematic and clear basis for such decisions can be formulated by the method of decision analysis.
Publication date:01 Jun 1994
ISBN:ISBN: 92-9120-540-0
Number of downloads:3206
Download:pdf 019.PDF
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