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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NKS 1994-002
Report Title:The Nordic emergency preparedness programme 1990-93
Activity Acronym:BER
Authors:Leif Blomqvist (edt.)
Abstract:The five Nordic countries (Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) have a long tradition of cooperation, owing to their geographic proximity and facilitated by similar economic, cultural and societal structures. At Nordic meetings, participants can frequently use their own language, or their personal version of an artificial »Scandinavian« language, making communication easier and working patterns more efficient than is usually the case at international meetings. The BER programme area of the 1990-1993 Nordic programme on Nuclear Safety Research (NKS) is an example of extensive Nordic cooperation in a scientific and technical field. (BER is an abbreviation of »Beredskap«, Scandinavian for emergency preparedness). Altogether BER comprised six main research projects, covering a wide and varying range of subjects. The projects have resulted in a number of up-to-date reports and reference guide books, for use in the planning of countermeasures in large-scale emergencies. The present document is a summary, based on the findings of all the BER projects. The final reports from the projects are issued in 1994. References are given in the Appendix, and the reader is urged to consult these reports for details.
Publication date:01 Apr 1994
Number of downloads:2594
Download:pdf 145.pdf
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