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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NORD 1990:114
Report Title:Aspects of nuclear waste management after a 4-year Nordic programme
Activity Acronym:KAV
Authors:Leif Moberg
Abstract:Six areas of concern in nuclear waste management have been dealt with in a four-year Nordic research programme. They include work in two international projects, Hydrocoin dealing with modelling of groundwater flow in crystalline rock, and Biomovs, concerned with biosphere models. Geologic questions of importance to the prediction of future behaviour are examined. Waste quantities from the decommissioning of nuclear power stations are estimated, and total amounts of waste to be transported in the Nordic countries are evaluated. Waste amounts from a hypothetical reactor accident are also calculated.
Publication date:01 Oct 1990
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-517-3
Number of downloads:1963
Download:pdf 115.PDF
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