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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency preparedness
Report Number:NORD 1990:45
Report Title:Aerosol transport in servere reactor accidents
Activity Acronym:AKTI-160
Authors:P. Fynbo, H. Haggblom, J. Jokiniemi
Abstract:Aerosol behaviour in the reactor containment was studied in the case of severe reactor accidents. The study was performed in a Nordic group during the years 1985 to 1988. Computer codes with different aerosol models were used for calculation of fission product transport and the results are compared. Experimental results from LACE, DEMONA and Marviken-V are compared with the calculations. The theory of aerosol nucleation and its influence on the fission product transport is discussed. The behaviour of hygroscopic aerosols is studied. The pool scrubbing models in the codes SPARC and SUPRA are reviewed and some calculational results are reported. The present status of knowledge in this field is assessed on the background of an international rewiew.
Publication date:01 Mar 1990
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-437-1
Number of downloads:8081
Download:pdf 1009.pdf
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