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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisational issues and safety culture
Report Number:NORD 1990:17
Report Title:Optimization of radiation protection at nuclear power plants
Activity Acronym:RAS-410
Authors:Olli Vilkamo (edt.)
Abstract:Doses to workers at the nuclear power plants in Sweden and Finland are generally low. The main causes of this situation include appropriate design and lay-out as well as successful operation of and radiation protection at the Nordic plants. It was investigated whether the optimization principle recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection is being applied at the Nordic nuclear power plants or can its use be extended. The report summarizes the main results of the study.
Publication date:01 Dec 1989
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-401-0
Number of downloads:4538
Download:pdf 147.pdf
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