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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NORD 1989:86
Report Title:Nordiska transporter
Activity Acronym:KAV-365
Authors:Bo Gustafsson, Stig Pettersson, Sirkka Vilkamo
Abstract:Transport of radioactive material from different fields of operation is well advanced in the Nordic countries: waste from the medical sector, industry, research, and now in increasing amounts from reactor operation, including spent fuel. In the future, waste from decommissioning will also be transported. This report gives the amount of radioactive waste material to be transported in the Nordic countries. Transport routes, transport containers, and transport systems are described. Legislations and transport regulations are discussed.
Publication date:01 Sept 1989
ISBN:ISBN: 87-7303-358-8
Number of downloads:2509
Download:pdf 110.PDF
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