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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKA 1986-001
Report Title:Sjøvannsbestandige materialer - kunnskapsoverføring fra kjernekraft til offshoreindustrien
Activity Acronym:-
Authors:Liv Lunde, Roy Johnsen
Abstract:There is an increasing demand for sea-water resistant materials to be used offshore. The question of availability of such materials and know-how as far as their application is concerned, has been brought forward in Norway. In this country we can refer to a long tradition in handling sea-water corrosion problems in connection with our merchant marine whilst the American oil companies have brought with them experience from land based petroleum exploration to the North Sea activities. In many instances, however, this experience does not apply offshore where there often are different requirements to life time, frequency of maintenance and safety. In the nuclear power industry similar or even more stringent requirements apply. For that reason our neighbouring countries, Sweden and Finland, are more advanced as far as expertise and experience with sea-water resistant materials are concerned. We stand to learn from their experience. In August 1985 a two-day seminar was arranged at the Institute for Energy Technology at Kjeller. Experience with sea-water corrosion in Nordic power plants was discussed. The seminar was sponsored by the NKA (Nordic liaison Committee for atomic energy). There was also input from Danish experience with corrosion in coal fired power plants. A summary of some of the topics discussed at this seminar, all relevant to the offshore industry, are collected in a report available from the Library at Institute for Energy Technology (in Norwegian). The first article deals with experience in materials for sea-water -pumps, -valves, -heat exchangers and -pipework. The second article describes in more detail the experience with copper based materials. The third article concerns experience in chlorination of sea-water systems. The final article summarizes experience with accelerated laboratory tests for stainless steels.
Publication date:01 Mar 1986
Number of downloads:15387
Download:pdf 116.PDF
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