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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKA/LIT(85)1
Report Title:The human component in the safety of complex systems
Activity Acronym:LIT
Authors:Björn Wahlström
Abstract:The safety of nuclear power and other complex processes requires that human actions are carried though on time and without error. Investigations indicate that human errors are the main, or an important contributing cause in more than half of the incidents which occur. This makes it important to try understand the mechanisms behind the human errors and to invest i gate possibilities for decreasing their likelihood . The present report presents an overview of. the Nordic cooperation in the field of human factors in nuclear safety, under the LIT-programme carried out 1981 - 1985. The work was divided into six different projects in the following fields : human reliability in test and maintenance work, safety oriented organizations and company structures, design of information and control systems, new approaches for information presentation, experimental validation of man-machine interfaces, planning and evaluation of operator training. The research topics were selected from the findings of an earlier phase of the Nordic cooperation /1/. The results are described in more detail in separate reports. A summary of the LIT programme is presented in /2/.
Publication date:01 Febr 1986
ISBN:ISBN: 951-46-9663-8
Number of downloads:2174
Download:pdf 015.PDF
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