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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Waste
Report Number:NORD: 1985-004
Report Title:Long-term properties of bituminized waste products
Activity Acronym:AVF-2
Authors:Margit Snellman (edt.), Matti Valkiainen (edt.), Caj Airola, Moj Bonnevie-Svendsen, Knud Brodersen, Hans Forsström, Stig Wingefors
Abstract:This study is a survey of the factors of importance for the long term behaviour of bituminized ion exchange resins. Phenomena occurring in bituminized waste products affected by the treatment, storage and disposal are identified. Test methods have been developed for characterizing product properties, which are important for the long-term behaviour. The long-term properties of bituminized ion-exchange resins are studied in a repository environment with access of water equilibrated with concrete. In these circumstances the most important properties are related to the interactions of bituminized waste with the surrounding barriers. The most important phenomena are water uptake due to rehydration of the resins and subsequent swelling of the product.
Publication date:01 Oct 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 951-99695-4-3
Number of downloads:5709
Download:pdf 131.PDF
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