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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Organisation and safety culture
Report Number:NKA/LIT(85)2
Report Title:Human errors in test and maintenance in nuclear power plants - Nordic project work
Activity Acronym:LIT-1
Authors:Edited by Håkan Andersson, Bo Liwång
Abstract:The present report is a summary of the NKA/LIT-1 project performed for the period 1981-1985. The report summarizes work on human error influence in test and calibration activities in nuclear power plants, reviews problems regarding optimization of test intervals, organization of test and maintenance activities, and the analysis of human error contribution to the overall risk in test and maintenance tasks.
Publication date:01 Aug 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 87-503-5777-8
Number of downloads:5524
Download:pdf 136.PDF
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