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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:Risø-M-2517
Report Title:Bioindicator studies in Nordic waters
Activity Acronym:REK-5B
Authors:Asker Aarkrog (edt.)
Abstract:This project describes the application of bioindicator systems intended for the measurement of the low level radioactive contamination around nuclear installations. The system has been applied around the Swedish and Finnish nuclear power plants and has, furthermore, been used in a study of the dispersion of the effluents from the British nuclear reprocessing plant, Sellafield. The doses to man from these installations have been calculated and compared with the natural background radiation received from the consumption of marine fish.
Publication date:01 Jun 1985
ISBN:ISBN: 87-550-1134-9
Number of downloads:3178
Download:pdf 126.PDF
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