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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Emergency Preparedness
Report Number:NKS-483
Report Title:Development and testing methods to locate lost gamma-ray sources in ordinary environs by mobile gamma spectrometry, NKS-B REALMORC Report 2023
Activity Acronym:REALMORC
Authors:Christopher L. Rääf (chair), Robert R. Finck (co-chair), Christian Berhardsson (organizer), Vikas Chand Baranwal, Marius-Catalin Dinca, Jon Drefvelin, Marie-Andrée Dumais, Per Otto Hetland, Gísli Jónsson, Naya Sophie Rye Jørgensen, Simon Karlsson, Marie Lundgaard Davidsdóttir, Bredo Møller, Charlotta Nilsson, Frode Ofstad, Josefine Palmcrantz, Henrik Öberg,
Abstract:The REALMORC 2023 report describes the Excel applications Source Distance and Activity Calculator (SODAC) and Source Shielding Calculator (SSC) to determine distance, shielding and activity of identified Cs-137 sources in lost source searching using mobile gamma-ray spectrometry. The report furtermore outlines a frequency analysis routine intended to enhance the advancement of detecting lost gamma-ray sources. The development proceeds towards detecting sources that may produce weak signals in a mobile gamma spectromete due to their distance and shielding. Standard deviations of the pulse height distribution (gamma spectrum) are utilised to indicate the presence of a radiation source instead of using fixed alarm levels for the count rate. REALMORC 2023 includes joint field experiments in mobile gamma spectro¬metric search of shielded Cs-137 point sources in actual environmental conditions. Six Nordic teams participated, and the report documents their results from the search experiment using the teams’ proprietary analysis software to detect orphan sources.
Keywords:Mobile gamma spectrometry, orphan sources, source search, shielding, MORC, radiation accidents, Compton scattering
Publication date:08 Febr 2024
Number of downloads:381
Download:pdf NKS-483.pdf
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