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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, Technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-479
Report Title:GammaSkill 2023 Proceedings: Training and seminar for users of gamma-ray spectrometry
Activity Acronym:GammaSkill
Authors:R. Pöllänen, J. Turunen, H. Ramebäck, K Guðnason, G. Lutter, I.H. Hauge,
Abstract:A three-day training event and seminar for users of gamma ray spectrometry was arranged in STUK, Finland, at 26th–28th September 2023. Around 100 participants from 11 countries took part, which probably made this the most popular technical NKS event to date. In addition to the training day lectures the total number of seminar presentations was 22. Five internationally recognized experts were invited to give lectures in the training day and in the two-day seminar. Very positive feedback was received from the digital participant questionnaire form.
Keywords:Gamma ray spectrometry, seminar, training
Publication date:21 Nov 2023
Number of downloads:417
Download:pdf NKS-479.pdf
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