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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Radioecology
Report Number:NKS-472
Report Title:Application of biokinetic parameters for some representative accident cases based on state of the art modelling
Activity Acronym:BIOAPP
Authors:Mikhail Iosjpe, Mats Isaksson, Hans Pauli Joensen, Gísli Jónsson, Vesa Suolanen,
Abstract:The release scenario corresponding to a potential accident with a modern operating Russian nuclear submarine reactors in the Southwest part of the Barents Sea has been assessed. The evaluation of the kinetic parameters for bioaccumulation process for a wide set of radionuclides and biota has been provided. Evaluation of the kinetic parameters has been provided based on literature review, the extraction from existing databases and mathematical experiments including the successive simulations of bioaccumulation processes during increasing trophic levels. The importance of implementing the kinetic bioaccumulation model for consequences from short-lived radionuclides has been provided. The sub-model with the modified kinetic parameters for bioaccumulation process has been used based on simulations from the compartmental model, which uses the non-instantaneous dispersion of radioactivity in the marine environment. Concentrations of radionuclides in biota, doses to humans and dose rates to the marine organisms have been evaluated. The results of the present study can be used to improve the ability to evaluate the consequences to humans and biota after a radioactive release into marine environment.
Keywords:Bioaccumulation of radionuclides, kinetic modelling, dose assessment to humans and biota
Publication date:30 May 2023
Number of downloads:830
Download:pdf NKS-472.pdf
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