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View documentNKS Programme Area: | NKS-B | Research Area: | Emergency preparedness | Report Number: | NKS-469 | Report Title: | RNSARCARDS Exercise Evaluation Report | Activity Acronym: | RNSARCARDS | Authors: | Natalia Andreassen, Rune Elvegård, | Abstract: | On 29 and 30 September 2022, two exercises were conducted to test and improve the first version of the Nordic action cards (RNSARCARDS v. 1.0) for maritime search and rescue operations involving radioactive and nuclear emergencies (RNSAR: Radiological/Nuclear Search and Rescue). The exercise contributors were: Nord University, Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Joint Rescue Coorindation Centre North Norway, Danish Emergency Management Agency, Icelandic Coast Guard and Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority. The main training audience in the exercises were search and rescue mission coordinators from both Norway and Iceland, as well as radiation experts from Norway, Iceland, and Denmark.
The scenario was played out in three different positions off the coasts of Denmark, Norway, and Iceland. The scenario involved a nuclear-propelled vessel encountering problems with the cooling system in a reactor. There was a risk of an ongoing release of radionuclides into the air, and the measured levels of radioactivity had increased substantially.
The exercise achieved its overall purpose of testing and determining how to improve the action cards for search and rescue operations in a maritime radiological/nuclear emergency. The Exercise-I has improved participants’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities, and the use of the action cards. The exercise-II has provided an opportunity to test the functionality, applicability and structure of the RNSAR action cards among the involved experts.
These exercises were conducted under the project RNSARCARDS, led by the Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. | Keywords: | maritime search and rescue, radiological and nuclear emergency, emergency response, Nordic, exercise | Publication date: | 23 Febr 2023 | ISBN: | 978-87-7893-564-9 | Number of downloads: | 869 | Download: | NKS-469.pdf |