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NKS Programme Area:NKS-R
Research Area:Plant life management and extension
Report Number:NKS-446
Report Title:WPS-MAF, Report on design and results from experimental test program for material characterization
Activity Acronym:WPS-MAF
Authors:Tobias Bolinder, Alexander Eriksson, Jonas Faleskog, Magnus Boåsen, Sebastian Lindqvist, Veera Peltonen,
Abstract:In this report, the VTT and KTH experimental results are presented. The characterization of the ductile to brittle transition region was done with small 5x10 single-edge bend specimens (SE(B)) and 15x30 SE(B) specimens in different temperatures. The characterization with 15x30 SE(B) specimens were done with deep and shallow cracks. The characterization was completed by metallography characterization of the 533B plate. This is an interim report related to the characterization and development work done in WPS-MAF. The results are utilized later in the project.
Keywords:Warm pre-stressing, Cleavage fracture, Failure probability, Fracture toughness, Fracture experiments, Non-local probabilistic model, Master Curve
Publication date:28 Apr 2021
Number of downloads:1062
Download:pdf NKS-446.pdf
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