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NKS Programme Area:NKS-B
Research Area:Measurement Strategy, technology and QA
Report Number:NKS-425
Report Title:NKS-B RadWorkshop 2018 proceedings
Activity Acronym:RADWORKSHOP
Authors:Jixin Qiao, Szabolsc Osvath, Mats Eriksson, Torbjørn Gäfvert, Henrik Efraimsson, Kaisa Vaaramaa, Xiaolin Hou, Per Roos, Kasper Andersson, Marte Varpen Holmstrand,
Abstract:The NKS-B RadWorkshop 2018 (Workshop on Radioanalytical Chemistry for Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management) was held at Risø, Denmark, during 8-12 October 2018. The workshop consisted of 3-day invited lectures and presentations from participants and 2-day lab practice by very experienced professionals. A number of highly reputed experts from authorities, research institutes and nuclear industries were invited to give state-of-the art lectures in different aspects in nuclear decommissioning and waste management with the focus on radioanalytical chemistry. The lab training demonstrated the radiochemical analysis of alpha emitters (Pu-239, 240 and Am-241) and beta emitters (Fe-55, Ni-63) in nuclear decommissioning materials. 90 participants from 41 international organisations attended the workshop.
Keywords:Radioanalytical chemistry, workshop, nuclear decommissioning, waste management
Publication date:17 Apr 2019
Number of downloads:2279
Download:pdf NKS-425.pdf
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